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The Parochial Church Council (PCC)

St Mary's with St John's 

The Parochial Church Council (PCC), together with the clergy, oversees the mission and ministry of St Mary's and represents all those on the electoral roll. We are always on the look out for for new members, especially from younger people and parents. Read below for more details.

Parochial Church Council (PCC)

PCC members for 2024-25

In addition to the clergy and churchwardens:

Rachel Carter

Ritchie Copues

Robin Densem

Philip Juniper

Stephane McCarthy

Kath Oates

Jean Skinner

Barry Wade Simkin

Deanery Synod representative 2023-26

Robin Bishop

PCC Secretary

Rachel Carter

Electoral Roll Officer

Christopher Maunder Taylor

Becoming a member of the PCC

The Parochial Church Council is the body that, with the minister, steers the life of the church in its mission, witness and service in the parish. The PCC’s role is governed by law (the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956).  It is a charitable trust and PCC members are charitable trustees, and so all the provisions of charity law apply to their corporate responsibilities, financial management and decision making. This is true whether or not the charity is registered with the Charity Commissioners. You cannot be a PCC member if by law you are not permitted to be a trustee.

If you are interested in joining the PCC, speak to a member of the clergy, one of the churchwardens, or the PCC secretary. People can also be co-opted onto the committee.

Being elected to the PCC

A person is eligible for election to the PCC by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) if:

  • his/her name has been on the Electoral Roll of the parish for at least the preceding six months (unless under the age of 18 at the date of the election)

  • he/she is an actual communicant (receiving Communion at least three times in the previous 12 months)

  • Because of their responsibilities, PCC members will be expected to attend Safeguarding training. You cannot be a PCC member if convicted of a specified safeguarding offence or included in a barred list.

Minutes of PCC meetings 2023

The minutes of the 2023 meetings of the PCC are available in the church and below

November - here

September - here

July - here

March - here

2024 meetings

The minutes of the 2024 meetings of the PCC are available in the church and below

January - here

March - to follow

May 23
July 25
Sept 19 
Nov 21

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

More details here

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